It's been a very long couple of days. I seriously have no more patience. I also don't have any more smiles or eye lash batting left in me. I can't make any babies smile right now or even whisper to kittens to be good... I'm done for the week. I'm just done.
I got an ingrown toe nail removed yesterday. Yes, TMI, maybe but almost everyone gets one in their lives and well there you go... It would be such a big deal if I didn't have the DIABEETUS! I was telling my friend that I can't even say "diabetes" without saying it like "diabeetus!" It's funny and I always laugh to myself. But I digress, so I got this "nail spike" removed as my doctor called it and he told me to keep off of it for a couple of days. Umm, I'm a mom. A mom of twins. A mom of very active twins. There is NO SUCH THINGS! Since I got the toe shot I was toe numb so I decided to go have coffee with mah homegirls. Then it happened, the pain. Shooting through my toe, holy crap! Came home and I swear codeine didn't take the edge off so I od'd on some ibuprofen and that worked. The MIL picked up my kids at school and she brought me a big old Jamba Juice which is delicious but I think that she's secretly trying to kill me since she often forgets that I have the diabeetus. But you know that a mom's time to recuperate is only so long, dinner had to be made and the kids had to be bathed and what not. Everything got done and my day was over by 11:00pm.
Fast-forward to today... I had a rough start. Mostly because I have the most comfortable sheets in the world and I didn't' want to get out of bed. I can be perfectly functional in my bed I think, except for that pesky take the kids to school thing. I suppose I can't do that from the comfort of my bed... took the babies to school (they are not babies but sometimes i call them that) and drove over to Peet's and picked up the wrong coffee, doctored up said coffee with a nice amount of nutmeg and then got called for the right cup of coffee. CRIPES! So the guy whose coffee I doctored up was such a nice guy. He asked me, "What did you put in it?" and I told him sheepishly, "Umm, some nutmeg" and he's all, "Hey that's great! Thanks! I'll take it!" WOW! That was awesome! So I picked up my right coffee and then while trying to put nutmeg in, I broke the nutmeg thingy. Oh no! The nice boy (Jeanette's boyfriend) fixed it for me and I got my nutmeg! Victory! Then as I was walking back from buy pumpkin pie bagels at Panera (no, not diabeetus friendly) I dropped the monstrosity of a book that my book club is reading on my big toe. You know, the one that got the "nail spike" removed. Oh the pain. Moving on, moving on... off to Big O Tires to get some tires for the swagger wagon. 3 hours later, for real, three hours later, even after the guy told me to hang out, it won't take long, the minivan was ready. Had some lunch with mah homegirl and then it was off to do some O's and E's before I went to pick up the kids at school. Teacake had a cub scout meeting, HRH had to get feathers for her pumpkin in disguise, then before I knew it, time to pick up the boy child and come home, get homework done and make dinner.
My toe hurts. I'm kinda done. There is no point to this story. This is just my life.
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